About Suicidal Robot Games

Suicidal Robot Games is an independent game development studio founded and operated solely by TheSuicidalRobot. Originally creating small flash games, I have been releasing games since 2011. After the death of the flash scene, I then moved on to new frontiers such as mobile games, homebrew and soon console games. I promise not to fill my games up with microtransactions and pay-to-win mechanics, but instead create the games that I enjoy playing.

Why the Name?

The orgin of the name is a bit complicated, and there honestly isn't one singular answer, but it partially was choosen because of my love for the character Bender from the show Futurama.

What Type of Games do you Make?

I make all types of games. Ranging from SHMUPS, fighting games, platformers, and maybe even a FPS somewhere down the line. Recently I have been working on my Galactic Federation series, which will encompass multiple genres over a number of games. Currently I am developing games for PC, Xbox One, PS Vita, and mobile devices. More game consoles may be added in the near future. While I believe in inclusiveness in all aspects of life, I also understand that not every game is for every gamer. Most, if not all of my games will feature a higher level of difficulty, with the reward usually being just the fun of over coming that challenge. I know those types of games to do not appeal to all gamers, however I welcome everyone to give my creations a try.

Can I Hire You?

Currently I am in the process of working on my own project, so I am not looking for any freelance work. However, this may change in 2019. For all business inquiries, please click the contact button in the top menu.